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Business and Commercial

Ebenezer Legal frequently handles the purchase and sale of business and commercial related matter for small to medium-sized businesses in a wide variety of industries and for entities of different structures including companies, partnerships, trusts and self-managed super funds (SMSF).

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We don’t claim expertise in Conveyancing because in Queensland, the proper way to be recognised as a specialist is through accreditation by the Queensland Law Society as an accredited specialist.

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Are you a landlord of a retail property or commercial property, looking for a lawyer? You’ll know that there are lots of things to keep in mind in taking on a new tenant and getting the lease right.

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Management Rights

Management Rights is a business that gives the right to the resident owner of a lot, contained within a community living complex, to fulfil the role of Caretaker and to operate a letting business in exchange for a salary and the right to earn further commission and services income from individual owners in the complex.

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Wills, Probate and Power of Attorney

Ebenezer Legal provides full service to our clients to create Wills, administer estates and preparing Power of Attorney.